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This past week I returned from my ‘Final Debrief’ in Guatemala. My World Race squad wrapped up their 11 month journey of letting God lead them and living out the gospel around the world. 

Image may contain: 24 people, people smiling, people standing, night and outdoor

The week after a Squad Mentor finishes with a World Race we’re supposed to take a week of ‘rest and reflection’. If you know me well you know that’s sometimes hard for me to do. My life is usually packed from one adventure or experience to the next, but over the last two years I’ve become much better at taking intentional times of reflection. 

As I looked back on my year the word TRUST continued to enter my mind. 2017 has been a year of trust in many different ways:

– In 2016 we felt God giving us a vision of my route not using the traditional structure of hosts, but instead listening to Him for direction daily. This was a huge adjustment and one where I had to rely on Him constantly in my leadership. 

One small example was having our training camp in Uganda. Through prayer it became clear that we were supposed to start our journey in East Africa…yet it defied logic and reason. I helped organize and plan the training in a country I had never been to, with limited resources and staff…and God blew us away with what He had for us. It just took a big step of trusting His voice above the logical choice. 

Image may contain: 26 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

– As a leader I continued to learn that allowing people to ‘fail’ and grow is actually one of the best things I can do for them. It meant trusting in God’s plan for them above my own, and letting go of the feeling that how my squad ‘performs’ is a reflection of my leadership and value. 

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing

– As I continue to support raise for my job I trust in His provision and God bringing partners into my life who will invest in what I’m doing. 2017 was my 4th year in a row support raising and yet God continues to provide for my every need. 

– In July I asked Stephanie out on a date and we decided to start dating, even knowing our job commitments were in different states for at least a year. It wasn’t what I logistically envisioned in a relationship, but I trusted that the desires God put on our hearts would play out in His plan. Although we still don’t know exactly what the future holds, her friendship has a been a huge blessing this year. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

It’s hard for me to wrap me mind around the fact December is nearly upon us. The Christmas season always goes quick for me, especially as I spend the next few weeks preparing for our Colombia training camp in January…but in all the goodness I’m thankful for the change to slow down and reflect on a great year. A year of TRUST. 

Can’t wait to see what the journey of 2018 brings!  

6 responses to “A year of Trust”

  1. Daniel, We are so excited for what God has been doing in your life! When we read that your final debrief was in Guatemala, it brought back fond memories of our very first debrief spent together with you and C squad a few years ago!

    We love and miss you and look forward to seeing you at the reunion in several weeks!

  2. You continually encourage me with the way you go for it, Daniel. Your example of what it means to follow Jesus is inspiring. Thanks for your partnership in the Gospel!

  3. Allowing people to fail in order to grow. That’s a great lesson, but can be a hard one for a leader. It’s a hard one for a parent too, or a friend. Trusting in God’s plan for another is harder than trusting in His plan for me. It doesn’t always look like I think it should and I want to jump in and try to fix it, put the wobbly train back on the track so to speak. I have found, however, I can spend a lot of time putting the train back on the track, and it still not get anywhere. I am learning to ask His guidance before I jump, but it is sometimes difficult to know if God wants me to physically help in certain situations or just be that person to lean on and get encouragement from. Either way, I also know that nothing I do is a surprise to God for He knows me, and nothing I do will change His will for another. Each of us has been given free will, so in the end, it is our own choices that we live by. As an individual, we make the choice to follow His leading, or let our own emotions and wants lead us. As a leader, friend or parent, allowing an individual this choice is difficult and can be painful to the heart when trouble abounds. However, I also believe that if God has brought someone into my life, there is a reason, and I pray that whatever God wills of me, that I do, no matter how great or small.

    May 2018 continue to bring you growth, wisdom and knowledge of God’s will for you in all things and all places. Enjoy the holidays Daniel! and may God bless your new found relationship with Stephanie!